There are a lot of free things you can take advantage of in person and online as a college student. Every college is different, check to see what free things your college has to offer!
- Free food: Attend a club meeting. There is often free food such as pizza.
- Free shirts: You can score free promotional t-shirts from college sports games, clubs, dorms, and entertainment events. They are often advertised in the student newspaper and they are usually a limited amount available on a first come first serve basis.
- Free planners at the start of the school year, check your student book store to see if these are available.
- Attend sports games for free promotional items such as sunglasses, keychains etc.
- Free printing: check to see if there is a free number of pages you can print each semester.
- Check to see if your school includes a free gym membership on campus.
- Free movies at the student theater.
- Free entertainment and concerts.
- Amazon Prime Student: 6 months free- free Prime delivery, free Grub Hub delivery, The Washington Post, and more!
- Tutoring
- Resume help
- Career coaching
- Some museums offer free admission with a college ID
- Free bus on campus
- Bike rentals
- Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, and Microsoft Excel
- Free resources from your local library: there are free streaming options, free audiobooks, Museum Passes, National Park Passes, and more!
- Free Harvard lectures online
- Mental Health counseling
- New York Times online: NYT Cooking, crosswords, puzzles, Sudoku games, and more!
- Wall Street Journal online: access to newsletters, The 10-Point, podcasts, etc.
- Career fairs: jobs, internships, and networking opportunities
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