There are several ways that you can save money on your pets!
- DIY pet toys.
- Bake your own pet treats.
- Purchase healthy pet food without fillers like corn. It is better for your pet, it will prolong their life, they will eat less, and maintain a healthy weight. Buy pet food in bulk or sign up for subscription services to save money. Look for store loyalty programs and consider generic brands.
- Get your pet enough exercise. Take your dog to dog parks or trails.
- Groom your pet yourself, or take them to a pet grooming school instead of paying for professional grooming.
- Brushing your pet’s teeth can prevent costly dental procedures.
- Focus on preventive care. Keeping up with vaccinations, parasite prevention, and regular check-ups.
- Save on pet medications. Online pharmacies often offer discounts compared to veterinary offices.
- Look into low-cost veterinary clinics or non-profit organizations that may offer discounted services. Get a second quote. Ask the local human society for cost effective vetierny clinic options. Check community colleges and trade schools for possible discounted veterinary services.
- Shop around for the best pet insurance rates and coverage options.